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tibe IRcGisters
Bansteab, Co. Suvre^.
Utah: county genealogtcai* and histokicaii sociey
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3n f^e Coun^g of ^utreg*
The Rev. E. V. BUCKLE,
The Register 1-112
Monumental Inscriptions in the Church . . 113-122
Tombstone Inscriptions in the Churchyard. . 122-126
Patrons and Vicars 126-127
Indexes 129-145
The Parish of Bansted, or Banstead, is situated in the County of Surrey, in the Bishopric of Winchester, the Archdeaconry of Surrey, and the Rural Deanery of Leatherhead. It belonged at the Conquest to Richard de Tonbridge, who held it of the Bishop of Bayeux, and in the reign of King Henry I., Tirel de Maniers, the then owner, granted the Rectory to the Prior and Convent of St. Mary Overies, in whose possession it remained until the dissolu- tion of the Monasteries. A list of Rectors and Vicars since that date will be found at the end of the book.
The Transcripts now published are contained in the first two volumes of the Registers, and date from their commencement in 1547 down to the following dates: Baptisms, to 1750; Marriages, to 1753; Burials, to 1789.
The first volume is a small vellum-bound book, in poor con- dition, the writing very much faded, and occasionally illegible. It measures about 8^ x 7^ inches, and contains entries from 1547 to 1618. Volume II. is a thick square volume, about 14 inches square, bound in old sheepskin with clasps. It contains Baptisms, 1620-1783; Marriages, 1616-1753; and Burials, 1617- 1789. The entries are often carelessly and ignorantly made, and in many instances the original entry has been corrected or added to in another hand. It appears to have been a common practice for the Clerk to make rough notes at the time of the ceremony, filling them into the Register Book at a later date, and this practice will account for the dates of the entries not always following one another chronologically. The Editor has some of these rough notes among his papers.
The Parish Church dedicated to All Saints is an early English building of stone, faced with flints, and consists of a chancel and nave, and two side chapels and side aisles. The South Chapel was formerly the Lady Chapel. The Church has undergone the usual vicissitudes— plundered by Edward VI., whose Commissioners took everything, including the bells, " for the King's use," and left only a " chalice and a grene cope for the communion table " — again, by
vi Introduition.
the Roundheads — "ornamented" in 1631, when Aubrey writes : "On the north and south sides of the chancel is 1631, W. M. (i.t'.j William Moys), who repaired this chancel and adorned, or rather defaced, it with ill sign-post painting " — and finally restored by Mr. Street, 1861-1872.
There are eight bells — the two last recently added. The six older ones bear the following inscriptions : —
1. " Robertus Mot, hoc fecit, 1585."
2. "William Caruer made MEE, 1613."
3. "Gloria Deo in Excelsis, 1638, B.E."
4. "William Eldridge made MEE, J. L. and S. L., Church-
wardens, 1661."
5. "This bell was cast by subscriptions — Lester and Pack of
London, fecit, 1756."
6. " Thos. Mears, late Lester, Pack and Chapman of London,
fecit, 1 791. John Harrison and Daniel Newet, Church- wardens."
The monuments are not of great interest. There are no brasses left, and it is rather remarkable that the De Bures family, who owned Burgh and Nork from 1220 to 141 o, and the Merlands, who succeeded them there, from 1480 to 1618, have not a single brass or tombstone in the Church to their memory. The Moys family, Lay Rectors from 1550 to 1659, have only one, and the Lamberts none older than 1633. No doubt there were many brasses of all these families, and of many of the pre-Reformation Vicars, but they probably disappeared during the Commonwealth.
There are six Manors in the parish, viz. : Bansted, Great Burgh, Tadworth, Perrotts, Little Burgh, and Preston. The Manor of Bansted for some time formed part of the dowry of the Queens of England, and it was granted by Henry VL to Eton College, but the grant was revoked by Edward IV., and in Henry VHth's reign it was given to Sir Nicholas Carew of Beddington, in whose family it remained until 1762. It is now owned by the Trustees of Lady Lavinia Bickersteth. The Manor of Great Burgh, held by Hugh de Port at the time of the Domesday Survey, passed to the families of the De Bures and Merland, from the last of whom it was purchased in 1614 by Christopher Buckle, Esq., son and heir of Sir Cuthbert Buckle, Kt., Lord Mayor of London in 1593. It remained in the Buckle family until 1847, when it was sold to the sixth Earl of Egmont. Perrott's Manor was l)ought by the Lamberts in 15 15, and is now the property of D. H. Lambert, Esq. Tadworth belongs to Lord Russell of Killowen.
Introduction. vii
It remains to say a few words concerning the principal families whose names occur in the Registers. The Merlands were settled at Burgh since the year 1460. They intermarried with the Trappes, Leighs, and other Surrey families, and sold the property to the Buckles in 1614. The Moys descended from Richard Moys, " fermarius Prioris Beat?e Marias apud Overey," at the time of the dissolution. He obtained a grant of the Rectory of Bansted for his son Robert. The male line died out about 1640. The Wilmots were a branch of the Oxfordshire Wilmots of Stodham and Chiselhampton. They came to Bansted about 1600, and the male line became extinct in 1750. The eldest daughter and co- heiress married Edward Lambert of Bansted. The Harris family resided at Yewlands in Bansted from the time of James I. until 1746, when they became extinct. The Trappes early settled in Bansted. They descended from a Yorkshire family, and owned a good estate in this county. The direct male heir died at Leather- head in 1709. The present family of Trappes of Clitheroe, county Lancashire, traces from Francis, third son of Robert Trappes, who died in 1560. The Brownes were a branch of Browne of Bech- worth Castle in this county, afterwards Viscounts Montague. The Bests were a Merstham family, and held Alderstead Manor and Merstham Court for several centuries. The name often occurs in the Register and in the Court Rolls of the Manor. The Lamberts descend from Roger Lambert, second son of John Lambert of Woodmansterne, in this county, temp. Henry VIL, of a family settled at Lamberts Oaks in that parish from 1301 till the end of the last century, when they sold the property to the Earl of Derby, the founder of the " Derby " and " Oaks " Stakes at Epsom. The Buckles descend from Sir Cuthbert Buckle, Lord Mayor of London in 1593. They owned the Manor of Burgh and the Advowson of Bansted. Of this family was Admiral Matthew Buckle, who greatly distinguished himself in various naval engagements towards the end of last century.
The Editor wishes to record his sincere thanks to the Rev. E. V. Buckle, Vicar of Banstead, who most kindly allowed him to make the transcript some years ago, and has now given permission to the Parish Register Society to print it.
The Indexes Nominum and Locorum are the gratuitous work of Sidney Madge, Esq., F.R.A.S., to whom many acknowledg- ments are due.
* 1547- The yeare of our lorde god mvcxlvij the fyrste yeare of Kynge Edward the vj. The same [yeare] the xix daye of October was Wyllya fe . . . Margere norte waer marryd.
1548. ano ijo regni regis Edwardi sexti. Jhones . . . et Elyzabethe nupti sut xxiiij die mes Septembris. bartholomeus Michille & Margereta Stevyrd duxernt nuptias xo die
mess ffebruarii. eodem die nuptie celebra sunt Mr. Robert Curtes & Elizabeth larand. nupae fact sut Mr. Jhonem Goldsmyth & Jhana Lamberd xii° die februarii. Gylberts braffert^ & Margerta Crowther nup' fut xiijo die mes ffebruarii.
1549- anno ijjo regni regis Edwardi sexti. M. Henricus Saxi & Joisia Trapps nupt sut xvo die mens augusti. Jhones Lusteyd (?) & Margareta puplet nup' fact ffuert vijo die mes Julii. Willms Kynge & Margareta Hawkyns nup' fact' ffueriit vio die mes octobris.
1550- an° regni reg^ Edwardi iiiio. Galfrid^ Lambert & Dionsia fut xxo die mes Januarii.
1551- anno xoyo ccccco Ho et Dni. . . . nupae celebrate ffnt inter Richard ... & Jahna blondyll xxiio die mesis septembris.
1552. Anno Dni mo ccccco lijo Edward. Sexto. Georg Kyng & Annes Steuerd was marryd ye vi of September. Thomas Woodma & Anne blake was maryed xxvi of September. Thomas Stafford & John Drewe (?) was maryed ye xxiii daye of Octobre.
1554- Ano Dni M. Do liiii. The mariage of Rye Braye & Kateren Lambert ix die mens Septembris.
* These dates in figures are in the margin in the Register,
Bansted Register
1555- Anno Dui M. D Ivo. Imprimis John Tegg (?) & Jah'n Woden xv die Septembris. Itm Jhylte (?) Torner & . . . ffilype iiij die Octobris.
Ano Dni M D Ivjo.
The maryage of Rychard fy . . . & Dorat [hie] steward viij die Julii.
1557- Ano Dni M°Do Ivij, Itm ye manage off Math. . . & Beteres Kyng viij die octobris. Itm Geyffery Rychebell & Jul . . . Dryen (?) xvii die octobris. Itm Bartylmew Dylcocke & Maryan Morley xix die Mar. . . .
1558. Ano Dili M D Iviij. Imprimis ye mariage off Mast Edmod Herd & Elysabeth ffranke xv die mes Marchiis {sic).
1559- Ano M D Hx. Imprimis ye mariage off Wyllm Nettylfolde & ffrauns Lambert . . . die
mens octobris. Itm ye mariage off Roger Steward & Mary Lambert v die Augusti. Itm ye maryage off george Halle & Ane Byble viiio die Novembris. Itm ye mariage off Rog^ Kyllyke & Al3^s Smyth xx^^ Day off Novebyr. Itm ye maryage off Rychard Braye & Beteres ffranke xxij day Novebyr.
1560. Ano Dni M D Ix. Itm . . . Walys & Jahn H5Td xxixo die mens Aplis. Itm Henry Wodman & Alys Hobert xiijo Die Junii.
1561. Ano Dni Mo Do Ixj Imprimis ye maryage off Rychard Wodman & Jahn ffranke xx die
ffebreuarii. Itm Nycholas Cawston & Mary Hylle xiij die Augusti-
1562. Ano Dili M D Ixij. Imprimis geyffery Johnson & Jahan Kynge vo die ffebreuarii. Itm Jemys Keys & Elysabet Rychebell xx die mens Aprilis. Itm Thorns Jonsson & Sybell Mylde v die Mesis Julij. Itm George Halle & Maraon Wodman xxviijo mensis Septembris. Itm Wyllm Luf ... & Margery Snellyng xxvii die mensis Octobris.
Ano Dni 1564. WEDDINGES. Rychard Jhon [son] & . . . Jhon Osborn & Ales Halchar the xxiiii day of Noveber.
Ano Dni 1565. Thomas lyssne & Margerye Stanbery the xxvi day of January. [Here the marriage of John Osborne & Ales Hatcher, is again entered,
but a line has been drawn through the entry.] Thomas Kyrryll & Mary Kinge the fourth day of November.
Bansted Register.
Anno 1566. Nycolas Lambart ) ., , ^ .
& Anne Moysse j *^'^ ^7 day of June.
Anno Dui 1566. [Nycolas Lambert & Anne Moysse, re-entered and then erased.] Geoffrey Heyth & Margry Hylldar ye 6 of August. Wyllm Perriman & Ales Blundel ye 7 of Aprill. And. Palmr & Dory . . . gebches (?) ye 18 of Aprill. [The three last entries have been erased.]
Ano Dni 1568. Wyllm Rychardson and ) ^ r , ffraunces vvoncheman ) Y^ 12 of January. Anthony Guenell & ) „ re-. Ales Huttson (?) | ^ '5 "^ September. Rychard White & ) , ■ c ^ . x. Margrett Wabber \ ^ ''^''' "^ September.
Ano Dili 1569.
Rychard Charlewood and ) ^ . . -,
Jane Paysse [ ye ix of January.
John Walsheman and ) „ , r , r ^ -i Joan Tyc . . . f ^^ ^^y ofJan [or June].
Nycolas Bartlett & ) ^, , , . ,
Ursula Rychebell 1 the 9 day of Mays. Jhon Jonson & ) .v r ri.u j r t Ales grenell ) *^^ ^^^^6 day of Ju. . .
Wyllm Smythe ) ., .... ... _,
and Mary Legge [ ^^^ '^^"'"J ^^^ of Noveber.
Ano Dni 1570. Jhon Wyllkinson 1 ^, .... -^
and Margaret Mychell f *^^ ''^'" ^^^ of June.
Ano Dili 1570.
Thomas Wood and ) ^u • j r r^ . ^. JoanHeythe [ the ix day of October.
Ano Dni 1571. The last day of Januarye was Lawraunce Welgeratt and ) ,
DoryteHyde | r^^.ry^A.
Ano Dni 1572.
Andrew Lambart ) j » r i. j r r^ -l
&MaryMoyse J maryed ye fyrst day of Deceber.
Ano Dni 1573. Jhon Puplett ) , ,, • , , r a
and Mary Harman ) maryed ye third day of August.
Ano Djni 1574. Thomas Lad ) ^. , ...
& Elyzabeth Hall [ ^^^ 3i day of May. Jhon Kyllike ) ,, , j. .
& Denis Hill f the 27 day of June.
foln'sSing"^' I th^ 4 day of Nouebar.
Bansted Register.
Thomas Mathewe | ^^^ ^ ^f ^
& Elyzabeth Gooldewyre ) •'
Ano Dni 1576 Weddinges.
Geffrey Heythe & Martha ffyldar
the 6 of August. Davy Powell and Joan best
the 14 of octobar.
Weddings Ano Dni 1579.
Jhon Woodman and ) e 2 da of Mav Margrett baylie f Y 4 Y Y*
Alen Palinar ) _ j r t
T- ^\7 A 11 - y^ 4 day of June.
Joan Wyndell | -^ ^ •' •"
& tabyther Lambart j Y -. "
Jhon Hyll and j the 15 day of ffebruarye.
Agnes Lambart )
Robart Rychebell and j the 17 day of ffebruary.
Denys Kynge I
Wyllni Charlewood and ] ^^^ ^ ^^ ffebruary.
Elyzabeth bustyan )
Ano Dili 1580.
Harry May and j the 28 day of June. An Marland ) ^ •*
Alen Pygpn & \ the (2) day of octobr.
Margarett Charlewood | ^ 1 ^
Ano Dni 1581. Jho" Smythe ) ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^ j^^^_
and Joan Heythe ) ^ •'
Wyllm Bartlett | ^^^ g ^ ^^ Octobar. and Ales Mychell ) •'
George Puplett and \ ^^^ ^.^ ^f ^^^^^r. Martha Hall )
Nycolas Lysney | ^j^^ ^ j^e of Novebr.
and Honor Eaton
Ano 1582.
^^^'T.?'"'i!'?f *r 1 the 29 of Aprill. and Elyzabethe Lane ) ^ ^
Wyllm Eaton | the 17 day of May.
and Jane glusmgton ) 1 j j
^l;;j^ Woodman and | the second day of June.
JhonGoddard I the 18 day of June,
and Agnes Woodman | ^ ■"
Ano Dni 1583.
Rychard Hobbard ] ., ^ • ,„,, „r t„„^
and Elyzabethe Hyllar [ ^^e ix day of June. George Kinge | ^^^ ^jj ^ ^, j^^^^^e. rfraunces benson ■'
Bans ted Register
Ano Dni 1584.
tt^^'^S^^^' ,1- u ]• the xxxth day of Aprell. Elyzabethe Kyllicke ) ^ ^
Jhon Martar and Jane Gowsse the xxi'^ day of June.
Mr Wyllm Marland ) . . • r xt _u p . •', ^ J - the XI of Novembar.
& An playsted )
Ano Dni 1586. Ry?hard Kyllicke ) ^^^ ^g ^ of Januarys, and Elenoure Moyse ) j j j
Ano Dni 1589.
Thomas Kempsall ) ^^^ ^. ^ ^^ ^^
and Jane bray ) ■' •'
Thomas Wonam ^ .. ••fv, j t 1
J ., u .. - the xxu'n day 01 June,
and catharen best ) ■' •'
Daniell Whitte ) ^. • , r _.
J , . , , - the xvj day ot novembr.
and chnstyan cooke j ■" -^
Ano Dni 1590.
4 1 u X - the ig day of octobar. Jane lambart 1 ^ ■'
Ano Dni 1591.
Harry Woodman & ) ^,^^ ^ ^^ j^j
Ales baker 1 -^ ■'
Thon Woodman & ) ., , r ^r n *
"c>i ~ iir J 11 • the ^ day 01 May allso.*
Elen Wyndell )
Ano Dni igg^
The 2 day of Septembar ano p° diet was Rychard Tesfge and ) ,
Betryse Welsheman \ -^
•i - P - the 3 day of Septembar.
Joan pope ) ^ j t-
Thomas bu^stowe and ) ,, j c c ^- u
A TT , - - the 23 dav ot Septembr.
An Hooker \ j - f
Wyllm bentley and 1 . , , r xt u
J - -M, •' - the 25 day 01 Novembr.
Joan Musgrove ) •' ■'
Ano Dni 1596.
George Hakins ) lu • j x- t
B V ^u Tu ■ the vj day ot June.
& Katharen Jhonson | i j j
Robart Blake I ,.. re 4. j r a ..
& Mary Blake ," the ffirst day of August.
Rogger Trapps ) ^^^ ^ ^^ ^^
& Eleoure Kyllicke ) o y
Nicolas manipps 1 . , , r rr t.
J T ixT 11 ■ the XV day 01 riebru . . . and Joan Wellar ) •'
Ano Dni 1597. Walltar Slyffillde gentillman 1 maried the 18 day and Ales Lambart Wyddow ) of August.
Ano Dni 1598.
Andrewe White and ) . , o j c \f . rcij - the 28 day 01 May.
Agnes ihldar i -^ -^
* Here is underlined Ano Dni 1592, but there are no entries.
Bansteil Register.
Thomas Hall & ) ,. j r t-> u
Margarett Baker ) the 30 day of Decembar.
Ano Dni 1599. Thomas fFray & ) -. ^ j r »* Agnes Rodger | the 6 day of May.
Nycolas bartlettt ) ^,
* /- r the . . .
* . . yz Coopar )
Ano Dni 1600. es Kyrrell )
* * * *
Smythe f the 21 day of August.
Halchar [ ^^^ forthe day of octobar.
Heythe ) ^, as Hill [ the . . .
Ano Dni 1601.
Jhon ffray and ) ,, ■ , r t
JaneChillman j the xx.j day of June.
Jhon Goldewyre and ) ,
Jane Hill |' tne . . .
Ano Dni 1602. Awen David and I ,, , , r . n JaneWellar ) the 26 day of Aprell.
Rychard Blake and I .. , r a
DorytieLysse j the 3 day of August.
Ao Dni 1605. Thomas Woodma & Dorothie Wood waer maryed the xxjth day of July. Robert Gurnett and Ann Marlayle maryed the vith day of octobr. George . . .
Half the page torn out.
1608. Wyllya Heath & Joan Waskett maryed the vith of ffebruary . . . 1608.
1609. George Richbell the sonne of Robert Richbell & Ann Puplet maryed the xxiiii of Aprill Ao 1609.
1611. John Thansoms & Jane Bridges maryed the 27 of October Ao 161 1. Avery Bently and Jane Turner were maryd the 29 of November 161 1. [Here follows an entry in Sept. 1612, since obliterated.]
1612. Brian Gurnet & Elyzabeth Heath were maryd the xiiii^^ of Aprill 1612. Richard Colley & Margaret Shadfred were maryd the xxiiijd of May Ao 1612. Rychard Stew & Jane Lisney ye xiii day of August. Half the page torn out.
tWm Edwards and Agnes Avery.
t Nicholas Mathew and . . .
+ John Humfery & Julian Johnson Sept. 27 1618.
t These three entries are in another hand on another page. No dates are given in the first two. The last appears also in vol. ii.
Bansted Register.
1547- The yeareof our lorde god m.vc.xlvij the fyrste yeare of Kyng Edward the vi. The sayme yeare the v daye of October was Annys cunssell crystenyd. The sayine yeare the xviij daye of October was Wyllya Hall crystenyd. Andrew Lambert was crystened the xxix^h day of noveber y^ foyr vrityne ((?)fore written).
1548. Anno 2° regni regs Eduardi Sexti. Roger Regibell was cristinit the xvi Day of februar. Wyllz Regibell was cristenyd the xviij day of Apprill. Als Hylle was cristenide the xvii day of June. Jh5ne Halle was cristenid the xxiv Day of June. Wyll Regibell young' was cristenid the vi Day of Julii. fFrasisca Crowthere ffilia galffridi crowthere baptizata ffuit xxio die mens Augusti.
Ano iij° regni regs Edwardi Sexti.
II 549- Ano iij regs Edwardi. Jhones blayk filius Thome blayke baptizat^ erat xvo die mes marcii. Katherina Kyelyche fifilia Thome Kyelycke baptizata ffuit vijo die aprilis. Willms eyton ffilius Willmi baptizat xixo die mensis Maii Ano supo dicto. Agnes Weyllere (?) the dawf Jhon Weylere was baptyzt^ y^ xiiiith day off
Thomas Marlonde ffilius M"" Edwardi Marlond baptizat^ e xviio die mes
Thomas ffrancke ffilius Willmi franke baptizatus ffuit xxvi die mes Sep-
tembris. Georgius HawUe filius georgi H. baptizat^ fuit iiio die mes februarii ano. . . . Rgerusmudyllffilius Jhonisbaptizat^ xio die mes ffebruarii Ano mccccc . . .
Dni regs Edwardi iiijo.
1 55 1 {sic). kP Dni mccccc 11° & Dni regs iiijo. Thomas cooke ffilius Thome H. baptizat^ ffuit xxiiio die mes ffebruarii Ano
p'dict. Milo brafforthe ffilius gilberti b . . . baptizat^ iijo die mes martii ^ 2S> sup
dicto. Arturus Rychebylle ffilius , f, r-,, • Rychbylle baptizat^ est xxvio die mens
Elyzabethe Rychbyll ffilia Willmi junior baptizata e xo die mes junii. Willms Hawll ffilius Henrici baptizat ffuit xiio die Marcii. Katerina Rychbyll ffilia Willmi rychbylle semox (senior) baptiza ffuit xviii die mes Julii.
1550 {sic). Ano D£i rnOccccc° 1° et Dni regs iiiio. Dyonysia Kynge filia Thome Kynge baptizata ffuit ultimo die septebris
ano p'dict.
ffilia roberti benson nome Johna beson babtizata e iiij die mes octobris.
* The black lines represent lines drawn across the page of the Registry Book at the places indicated.
Bansted Register
Helena Mathew ffilia nicholai baptizata ffuit Novo die die Novembris. Nata e Thome Kyllyk ffilia Elyzabeth n5me \° die januarii.
1552 {sic). Ano Xo . . . . et dni regs yjo. Nicholaus streytt filius Johnis recepit baptizmu penultimo die mes april^
ano p'dicto. Willms brown ffilius richardi brown baptizat^ e xx° die mes Junii. Agnes muddyll filia Johannis mudylle baptizatus {sic) fuit x die mes Julii. Tohanes smyth ffilius Willmi Smyth baptizat e viijo die mes septebris. Elyzabethe black ffilia Th5me black baptizat^ ffuit x die mes Septebris.
1551 {sic). Anno xmocccccolj. Richard puplet ffilius Richardi P. bap . . . xxiio die mes septebris. Rans ffrank ffiliu^ Willm ff regenerate fuit ijo die mes octobris. Johannes Wyllyn^ fillius ejus Regenerate fuit octa^a die Decembris. Agneta Moysse fillia Robarti Moysse baptissatus {sic) erat sexto dessimo {sic) die Decembris.
1552. Anno Domini niDlij & D regis Edwardi sexto. Elyabita Lambard filia galfridi baptissata erat. Dorithe Marland filia Edwardi Marland baptissata fuit. Johan Heth was baptized ye x day off August. Mawde browne was baptyzed ye xvii daye of August. Dr . . . yse cooke was baptyzed ye viij day of octobre. Jahn cooke was baptyzed ye xiiii day of octobre. Martha Hall was baptyzed ye xiii daye of Nouebre. George rychbell was baptyzed ye xx daye of Nouebre. Robert rychbell was baptyzed ye v daye of decebe. Water Gowynge was baptyzed ye v day of februarii.
Anno Edwardi si {sic) septimo.
Wylm lambard the sonne of Jeffray labard was crystened ye xx'h day
of March. Also Thorns Hubbard ye sonne of John Hubard was baptised in ye church
of banested ye .x.xviii day of May. Also Alys Kyng ye dowgther of Thoms Kyng was baptysed ye in ye church
of bansted aforeseyd the ffurst day of ye month of June a^ p'dict. Also Thoms Smyth ye sonne of . . . Smyth was baptysed in ye church
of bansted j'e seconday of Julii 2S> . . . Marj-e Moyse the dauzther of Robert Moyse was baptysed in ye church off
bansted the vith day of August ye furst yere o' sovrand lady Queene Marj'e.
1554- Anno illustrissime Virginis Marie Regine anglie oms regni p'mo. Johannes Kyng filius Georgii Kyng renatus fuit ex maria et Ihn sancto
sexto die menss novembris in templo bansted. The Baptyme off elen Wodman iiij die menss maii Ano p'scripto. The Baptym off Denys Pyttar vi die Junii.
* The black lines represent lines drawn across the page of the Registry Book at the places indicated.
Bansted Register.
Itm Denys Hyll xxix die Julii. Itm Rye Heth xi die Augusti.
1555- Ano Marie regine iij. Itm Marye (?) mare moys iiij die Julii. Itm ffylype moys viij ffebruarii.
Im The crystenyng off Wyllm Marland xxv day off Septcmbyr. Itm ye crystenyng off George Halle ffilius Henrici Halle xvi die mess
decembris. Itm ye c'stenyng off Ane Kyllyke xxx die mess decembris. Itm ye cristenyng off Denysse Kynge xxi day off marche &
Jahn moys xxviii mess. ... Itm c'stenyng ffras Rychbell xxxi'h day off marche. Itm avere Rychbell vii die Ap'lis. Itm Rye' Brown xxi die Ap'lis. Avery Puplett the 15 day of Septembar.
1556. Ano Marie Regine iiiio. Itm Denys Pyter xo die ffebruarii. Itm george Hyll iii die Apliis. Itm Rog'' . . ayly xii die ap . . .
An" Marie Regine iiii". Itm Jahn Moys iii" die Aplis. Itm . . . Rychbell ... ye son off Wyllm Rychbell vij die Ap . . . Itm George (?) Hylle ye sone off Geffery Hyllys vii die Aplis.
1557- Ano vo Marie regine. Itm Robert Rychbell ye sone off Geyffere Rychbell viio die Mens Maii. Itm Roger . . . awte viii° die Junii. Itm Rebecka Kyng iii die Junii. Itm Ry' Hylle ye sonn off John Hylle xiio die Julii. Itm Wyllm and John & Marye Wodde ix die octobris. [Itm Ben Jamyn coke xiio.] This entry has been erased and entered
lower down. Itm Wyllm S . . . die Decembris Itm Joys Moys xiii' die. Itm Bengehmin coke xvo die Decembris John Squyer xvii" Julii. Itm georg Kynge fills georgii Kyng ix die Novebris. Itm Wyllm Stanborow (?) xii die . . . Itm Denys Dylcoke.
1559- Ano Dni Mo D li. The crystenyng off george Publet xxviiio ffebruarii. Itm Danyell Lambert x die matii (sic). Itm Wyllm moys xio de martii. Itm ye crystenyng off Wyllm Smyth iiiio die Junii. Itm ye crstenyng off Thoms gawen xvo mes octobris. Itm crystenyng off Elysabet Wodman xxii day off Decebyr.
1560. Ano Dni Mo Do Ixo. Imprimis Denys Whytte iiio die Martii. Itm Joys Rychbell xxi die mens Maii.
lo Bansted Register.
Itm Denys Puplette vio die mesis Junii. Itm Nycholas Hylle xiio Die jnesis Octobris. Itm Andrew Tegge xxx day off Nouembyr. Elenor Moys was borne on twelf even.
1561. Ano Dominy M.D.lxi ffor crystenyngs. In p'mis cstoffer coke v die ffebruarii. Itm ye crystenyg off Jowdyth Lambert iiio die marsii. Itm Wyllm Browne v die mens Ap'lis. Itm Danyelle Puplette iiiio die mens Augusti. Itm Bryget Smyth xx die Awgusti. Itm martha John xxvio die decebris.
1562. Ano Dni mo Dlxii". Inpmis Marke Lambarte ixo die mens ffebreuarii. Itm Danyell Steward xxiiii© die mes marsii. Itm Elisabeth Blake xxviiio die mes octobris. Itm John Lusted xxxo die octobris. Itm Daniell Whyte io die Novembris.
Item the christeninge of Mr. John Moyss vio clie Decembris. Item the crystenynge of Anne Goldewyer xxixo die decbris.
1563- Anno Dni a thousande fyve hundred thre score and three. In p'mis John Wodman the viii die Januarii. Itm Ursula Publet xviio die Januarii. Itm Alys Lambert xxiiiio die Januarii. Itm John Miles vi° die ffebruarii. Itm Alys Hyllys xxviii" ffebruarii. Itm Rychard Smyth xxviii ffebruarii. Itm Alys Rychebell xviii day off April.
Ano Dni 1564. Elizabethe Jhonson the xo day off sepf. Catheren Kyllicke y^ xv day of septebr. Susan Lambart x of Decembar. Jane Woodman the xxii day of Decebar.
Ano Dni 1565. George Steward the xxiiii day ffebruarye. Geffrey Smythe y^ second day of ffebruary. Jhdn Woodward the xxvi'h day of ffebruary. Jane Lysne the xxx'h day of marche. Jhon Charlewood the fyrst day of . . . ffraunces Moyse the xiii day of Aprell. Doryty White the xvii of Novembar. Rychard Lustyd the xviio day of January.
Ano Dni 1566. Rogger Lambart ye ix'h day of Aprell. Dorytee Charlewood the 24 day of June. Mylessen Hall ye fyrst day of Septebr. Henry blake the xiiij day of Septebr. Sara Hakins the seconde of nouembr. Thomas [Jhon] gooldewyre the xxio of nouebr.
Bansted Register. i i
An° Dni 1567 Ano Regine Elizabethe ix. Raffe lambarret the x day of June.
Ano Dni 1568 ano Regina Elizabethe x.
Clemend Durraunt ye 4 of Januarii.
Susan steward ye xi of marche.
Elizabethe Rychebell ye 25 of marche.
Wyllm Best ye 8 day of august.
Andrewe White "1 ,.» r ^ r -u or, o ^ ye lyrste 01 novebar.
& liraunces Browne ) ■'
Ursula Charlewood ye ffyrst of decebar.
Ano Dni 1569 An" R. E. xi. Harry Hall ye tenthe day of January. Nycolas Gawen ye xxvij day of January. Rebecca Trapps ye ix day of februar. Susan Hakins the xxo off Marche. Anna Lambart the xii day of Aprell. Ury Woodward the xxix day of Aprell. Samuell Lambart the fourthe of August.
Jane Trapps the daughtar of Robart Trapps the 20 day of novembarr. [Margarett Rychardson the 5 day. This entry has been erased.]
Ano Dui 1570. margarett Rycson ye 5 day of Jannuary. Elyzabethe lambart ye viii day of January, ffabe Bartlett the viii day of ffebruarie. Betteres welcheman the xxvii day of ffebruary. Hestar Smythe ye iiii day of Marche. ffraunsis lambart the xxx'h day of Julye. Rychard Durrant the xiii'^ day of October. Danyell goldewyre was chrystened the xxiii day of Marche.
Ano Dni 1571. Jhon Rychebell was christened the vi'h day of Aprell. Rychard blake the xx'h day of may. Doryte Hall the tenthe day of June. Andrew gawyn was babtised ii Septembar. Wocheman Ryshardson I . .^^ seotebr
and Danyell lambart / tne xvi septe .
Ano Dui 1572. George Hakins sonne unto Rye. Hakins was chrj'stened the xiii day of
Januarye. Andrewe Lustide was chrystened ye 3 day of ffebrua'''. Wyllm Whitte sonne of mathewe Whitte was christened the x daye of
Ano Dni 1572. Jane lambart the xvii day of octobar. Nycolas Jhonson the seventhe day of Januari. George blake the ffirst daye of ffebruarye. And Thomas charlwood)
George Kynge sonne /-[These three entries have been erased.] George ... )
Thomas charlewood ye ffyrst day of ffebruary. ffraunces Woodwarde the xxth day of fferuary (sic). Alis bentley the xxiii day of ffebruary.
12 Bansteci Register.
An" Dni 1573. Nycolas Wood the 25 day of marche. Catharen lambart daughta^ unto Andrewe lambart was chr)'stened the xxii
of Septebr. Rychard Gawyn was baptysed y^ xxi day of octobar.
An° Dni 1574. Nycolas lambart the second of Januarye. Nycolas Rycson \
Robart Smythe r the seconde of ffebruary. and Joan Elys )
Susan Rychebell the xx day of marche. Elyzabeth Woodman xxii day of marche. Thomas Hall the xxiii day of marche. Robart Wellsheman ye xxx day of ma^'che. Nycolas Jhonson y^ 24 day of May.
Ano Dni 1575. Brydgett Wood the fyrst day of may. Urij browne the vi day of may. Joan Hakins the xv day of may. Elizabethe Lusted the 22 day of Maye. Samuell Woodman the 29 day of Maye.
Ano Dni 1576. Averye Bentley the 18 daj^ of marche. Joan Smythe the 3 day of June. Avery mathewe the 15 day of June. Samuell Rycson the fyrst daye of Julye. Elyzabethe Lambart the 10 day of July.
Katharen Lambart (daughter to John Lambert *) ig day of July. Jhon mathewe the 22 day of July. Elyzabethe Partas the 24 day of august. Thomas Kyllicke the g day of Septembr. Mary Hall the 18 day of octobr. Joan Pittar the 20 day of octobr. George Rychebell the ig day of decebr.
Ano Dni 1577. Jhon Gawyn the 20 day of octobr.
Ano Dni 1578. Elyzabeth Jhonson the fyrst day of decembr. Wyms ffouke was christned the 15 day of Awgust.
Ano Dni 1579. Samuell Brownwend the 7 day of Aprell. Joan Jhonson the 7 day of may. Jhon Kyllicke the 25 day of June. Wyllm Rychebell the 2 day of Julye. Beniamyn Hobbarde the 10 day of July. Julyan Bentley the 20 day of novebr.
Jhon Lambart (sonne of Jo : Lambert t) the 20 day of Decebr. Katharen Moys.
* The words " Daughter to John Lambert " have been written in another hand, and inserted above the entry.
t The words " sonne of Jo : Lambert " have been inserted afterwards in a different hand.
Bansted Register. 13
Ano Dni 1580. Jane Lusted the 17 day of Aprell. Anna Wood the 19 day of Julie. Harry Smythe the fyrst da}' of novebr. cutbearde Rycson the 28 of novebr. George Pittar the 8 day of Januarye.
Edwarde Lambart (son of Andrew Lambert*) the 29 day of Januarye. Anna ffowke the 5 day of ffebruarye. Agnes Jhonson the (21) day of ffebruarye.
1581. Ano Dni 1581 (Ano 1581). Wyllm Lambart sone off Rogger the 5 day of Aprell. James Moysse sone of Mr. Phylipe Moysse the xi day of June. An Brownwend daughtar of Rychard brownwend Vicar the xv'h day of
Julie. Geffrey Hill sonne of Jhon Hill ye 30 of Juli.
An Rychebell (daughtar of Robart Rychbellt) the xvii of Septembar. Joan Lysne the xxiiii of Septembar. Jhon Heythe the xxx day of Decembar. George Rychebell the vii day of January. Beniamyn Matthewe the ffyfthe of ffebruarye. Catharen Wood the ix day of ffebruarye. Jhon Blake the xx'^ day of ffebruarye. Wyllm Thorne the xxvi day of ffebruarye.
Ano Dui 1582. Edward Lambarde sone of Jhon Lambart was chrystened the xi day of
June an° p'dicto. Rychard Jhonson the xviii day of septembar. Jhon Lambart sone of Andrewe the 23 of octobr. Elen Puplett the 30 day of octobar. ffraunces Rycson the xiii of novembr. Hary Hall sone of Wyllm Hall the xii of decembar. Ely^abethe Heyth the xvii of January. Rychard bentley the xiii of ffebruarye. Jhon blake sone of Thomas blake the xxvii of ffebruarye. Philype brownewende sone of Richard browwend Vicar the xviii day of Marche.
Ano Dni 1583. George Smythe the xxviii day of Marche. Elyzabethe (Puplett ;j;) the ffj^rst day of Aprell. An Moj'sse daughter of Philype Moysse the xxviii day of Aprell. Jhon Pittar the fyfthe daj' of Maye.
ffraunces Hyll daughtar of Jhon Hill the the xii day of May. Mary ffowke the xxvo day of Maye. Katharen Lambart daughtar of Rodger lamb* was chrystened the viii day
of August. George Rychebell sone of Robart Rychebell was chrystened the fyrst day
of novembar.
* The words " son of Andrew Lambert" have been inserted afterwards in another band.
f The words "daughter of Robart Rychbell" have been inserted afterwards in a different hand.
* The name " Puplett " has been inserted in another hand.
14 Bansted Register.
Mary Wood the xii day of decebar.
Ales Heyth daughtar of Jhon Heythe was chrystened the xii day of
Januarye. Edward Jhonson the xvi day of ffebruarye. Zabulon mathewe sone of Wyllm mathewe was chrystened the xx day of
ffebruarye. Jhon Hall the viii day of marche. Agnes Smyth doughtar of Jhon S. y^ xvi of Marche.
Ano Dni 1584. Ursula Thome the xxxth day of marche. Melear Rychebell daughf of geor R y^ v of Aprell. Danyell Puplett sonne of george ye iii of maye. ffraunces lambart sonne of Andrewe L . . . Ann Rychebell daughtar of Thomas R. . . . and Jhon Westwood the 28 day of June. Margarett Moysse the v^h day of Julye. An Lambart daughter of Jhon ye 28 of octobar. Jhon Puplett sone of Jhon the 3 day of february. Rycharde Brownwend the xxi day of marche.
Ano Dni 1585. Wyllm Hall the xviiit'i day of Aprell. Jane Hyll the xxiii day of Aprell. An Puplett daughtar of Averj' ye 2 day of May. Jane Martar the 9 day of May. Thomas blake the ix day of June. Elyzabeth Rycson the xiii day of June. Raffe Mathewe the 23 day of June. Elyzabethe Heythe the 27 day of June, fraunces Wood the xv day of August. Melleor Hobbard the xxii day of August. Julyan Jhonson the v day of Septembr. Danyell bentley the xxxt^ day of Jan. Dorytie Heythe the 20 day of Marche.
Ano Dni 1586. Wyllm Rychebell sone of Robart Rychebell the 27 day of Marche. lane Puplett daughtar of George Pup . . . the 29 day of May. Jhon Goddard the 24 day of June, ffraunces Marland the xth day of octobar. Catharen Westwood the 23 day of January. Avery Wood the 26 day of ffebruary.
Ano Dni 1587.
An steward the 13 day of Aprell.
Bryggett and Elyzabeth Lambart daughtars of Andrewe Lambart the 14
day of may. Jhon Heythe sone of Geffrey Heyth the 4 day of June. Mary Moysse the 3 day of Julye. Edward Ewyn the 29 day of Octobar. Wyllm Charlewood the 12 day of novebar.
Danyell Puplett sone of Avery Puplett the x'h day of decembar. Wyllm Jhonson the 30 day of decebar. Dorytie Legge the vii day of Januarye. Elyzabeth Smith daughtar of Jhon Smithe the 24 day of marche.
Bansted Register. 15
Ano Dni 1588.
Dorytie Rycharson the 14 day of Aprell.
Marke Mathewe the 25 day of Aprell.
Wyllm Hore the 26 day of maye.
ffraunces Lambart daughter of Andrewe L, the 2 of June.
Bartholomewe Marland the xii day of June.
Xpoflfar Puplett the xxiiii of June.
Elyzabeth Woodward the second of July.
Mary Smyth the vii day of Julye.
Elyzabethe scape the xxv day of Julye.
Elyzabeth wood the thirde day of decembr.
Julj'an Puplett the xxiii day of marche.
Ano Dni 1589,
Thomas Hall the first day of June. [This entry has been made later in a
different hand.]
Thomas Jhonson the xvi day of June.
Bryggett Rychebell the xxviii of June.
Anna Gole the thirde day of August.
Nycolas Mathewe
Geoffrey Rychbell [ sone of Robart Rychbell
James Mathewe I the xvii day of August.
Elyzabeth lambart
Wyllm marland the xxviii day of August.
Jhon Hooke the 25 day of Septembar.
Wyllm Pittar the ffyfthe day of octobar.
Jhon Moyse the ix day of octobar.
George Heyth sone of Rye. Heyth the xix day of novembar.
Robart Kyllicke and ) , , • r j u
T », i \ the XI 01 decembar.
Joan Marten \
Thomas Puplett the xiii of decembr.
An Partas the xviii daj'e of lanuarye.
Elyzabeth Wylson the xxii of ffebruary.
Martha Woodward the viii day of marche.
Ano Dni 1590.
Avery Puplett the ix day of may. An Heyth the 7 day of June. Elyzabeth martar the 25 day of June.
An° Dni 1591. Jospar (?) Hall the second day of May.*
1590. Jhon mathewe son of Wyllm mathew of tadwoorth the xix day of octobar. Thomas Mathewe son of Wyllm Mathewe of Pottars Lane the fyrst day of
novembar. Samuell mathewe son of Thomas mathewe the 25 day of novembr. Edward marland the 27 day of decembar.
Ano Dni 1591. Elyzabeth martar the 26 day of march. Jefferar Hall the secon day of may. Ales blake the 6 day of may.
* This entry has been erased and entered in its proper place in 1591.
1 6 ' Bansted Register.
George Partas the 26 day of Julye.
Elyzabeth Moyse the 8 day of August.
Jane Smith the 5 day of Septembar.
Thomas Puplett sone of George the x day of decebar.
Jane Rychebell 29 day of octobar.
Andrew Lambart the 6 day of ffebruarye.
Rychard Hobbard the 8 day of ffebruary.